Dear Maria,
I have written my story for all those, who might be interested in it. Both our children, 4 and 5 years old, got a sort of weeping neurodermatitis, which spread from the forehead to the lower legs. Our children were even graded as disabled by 40%. For three years we had consulted many doctors, nothing helped, and we were not only ruined mentally but also financially. Doctors, non-medical practitioners and dressing-material were very expensive.
Finally I got your number and when I called you, you told me that I would have to be treated first, our children only afterwards. After my first session about 80% of the children’s skin problems had disappeared and the rest after my daughter’s first session. Our son didn’t even need any treatment at all.
I thank you so much from all of my heart. I am so grateful that some people help others to find their own problems and to solve them.